Sunday, 20 November 2011

Church & Grace

I really felt it was time to post again, so if you checking up on me, here it is. This is a talk that I was asked to write last year. This is a post on Christianity, and they are my views. If you do not wish to read on, I fully respect that, but I hope you will.

Look around you. Where is the nearest Church to where we are sitting right now? Everyone can point to where they think it is.
You’re wrong. Given, yes, that building is a building with an altar and pews as such, and we call it a church, but the closest church to us is in fact even closer than that building. The church is amongst us. Right here, where we are sitting.

“Church isn’t where you meet. Church isn’t a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human personification of Jesus Christ. Let’s not go to Church, let’s be the Church.”

Profound isn’t it?

So, if we’re the church, what do we do? It’s a huge privilege but can we handle it?

Why do you go to Church on Sundays?

-To learn. To pray. To meet other Christians. To worship.

So if that’s what the Church does for YOU, and WE are the church, then those things are our responsibilities to provide for others.

We have to introduce others to Jesus Christ, our Saviour, our Grace-giver.

There are many ways to show Jesus to others. It’s all very much up to you and what you find successful. My personal preference is to lead by example, and to speak about my experiences with God. I answer questions that others have and show them that I am not judgmental towards them and their decisions. People are afraid of change or something new. We need to accept others with open arms, just like the Jesus did for us. For after all, God has instructed us to love all. HE will be the judge of our lives when that day comes. It is not our job.

Two or more people gathered in God’s name is considered a Church.

I am not saying that since we are the Church, it excuses us from going to that sacred building every Sunday. We need to learn new things in order to teach those around us. It is a sanctuary for our hearts and minds, where we can grow as better Christians, and therefore take the Church to other people.

When I was a lot younger, I used to go to Sunday school where I learnt about God and Jesus, and I firmly believe that through that and the way in which I was raised, instilled a love of God within my heart As I got older, I attended Church less and less. I still loved God and prayed, but I couldn’t grow much more as a Christian. I couldn’t go out and teach others the new things that I had learnt from the sacred building.

It wasn’t until I rediscovered the Grace of God, through Happening last year, that I started attending Church more and more regularly. And that has made a huge difference in my life. I had truly met Jesus and I was starting to grasp His unending love and grace for me.

“Between here and Heaven, every minute that we live will be a minute of grace.”

We so often talk about God’s unending grace, but do we actually understand what grace is?

010 | Lump: "A lot of us have done things in our lives we are ashamed of."
I'm sorry about the Spanish subtitles.

Grace is something that we can never earn or deserve. It is a free gift, given to us, through love, from God. We are all chosen by God Himself, to be His children and His followers. We have been chosen for life and forgiveness. We are all special and yet equal in God’s eyes. God loves you just as much as He loves Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa or even Adolf Hitler. There is nothing you could ever do, to make God love you less.

Isn’t that just an amazing feeling? A gift whose value and awesomeness could never be surmounted.

I have a friend who is working as a youth pastor in England. He has a blog space called Sacred Spaces, and I found one that was truly profound.
(Find his group on Facebook:

“You are a library of Grace Stories.

Once again, God has blessed me. God has shown me grace. He has surprised me. He has provided for me. I am bursting with joy inside.
I don’t deserve, I am a sinner, I am full of contradictions at times, yet He still shows His goodness towards me.

I decided 2 nights ago to write a journal entry called: Grace Stories. I decided to document as many of the moments of grace I have had in my life that I can remember.
I challenge you do the same. As you page through the chapters of your life, you will see how God has been so gracious to you, so often.

I have had debts cancelled. I have been given big things. I have seen incredible things. I have been so well looked after. I have been forgiven and show the way forward.

My stories are different to yours...but one thing we can agree on is:
We are all libraries of Grace Stories.
Take some time to think about yours.
I cannot doubt the existence of this God who cares. Thank you, Lord.
HOWEVER a lot of these Grace Stories involve God’s agents of grace:

People who have shown me grace. People who have given me things. And people who have cancelled debts in my life. People who have given me a second chance. People who have been prompted by God’s Spirit to show favour to me. Thank you, you agents of grace.

So 2 things we can think about from this Sacred Space.
1) Where is God calling you to be an agent of grace?
2) When last have you looked back at all your Grace Stories in your life and been grateful?”

Our lives are filled with grace. A lot of which we take for granted. Being able to walk, talk, learn, see…

Every second is one of Grace.

Lastly, how often do we feel that we need to EARN God’s grace?

Jesus died for us; to set us free from the things that trap us: sin, worry, and the ways of the world and a lack of purpose.

Grace is a FREE gift… but how often… we think or act as if we need to “earn that grace.”

Why are you trying to earn your salvation and forgiveness? God has given it to us already.
On the other hand, we do need to live in appreciation of that grace. We need to show God that we are grateful.

When last have we thanked God for His grace? And when have we shown that grace to others?

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound , that saved a wretch like me…”