Indeed different.
Not hugely significantly, but different nonetheless.
I decided that I got sick of staring at that old background... It actually started to put me off, so I can only imagine what it was like for you guys. So, I've this one a bit more personal. It is a picture of some friends and I, sitting in a bathtub, in Clarens. We went away there for a week these holidays and it was just what I needed. A nice break from the hustle and bustle of city life. That being said, it can be said with confidence, that I am ultimately a city girl.
I am hoping that by personalizing my blog a little bit, I'll begin to post a bit more, just to keep it up to date.
The second difference in this blog post, and it will not affect you readers in the slightest, is the fact that I am typing this straight into the Blogger Post Box, and not in Microsoft Word first. Yes, it's a boring fact for you guys, but it just seems so odd to me. I couldn't tell you why I did it this way even if I wanted to.
Anyway, a quick catch-up session for those who would like to know.
I'm finished with First Year Medicine (I have officially passed -YAY) and I'm off to Med School Campus next year! I am beyond excited. But a little apprehensive too. I get to start studying the stuff that truly interests me and not just the preliminary stuff. I also get a cadaver (for those that don't know, it is a human body that we dissect in order to learn more about our anatomy and physiology). That alone has me on the edge of my seat and champing at the bit. That also has me apprehensive. I have no clue how I'll react to cutting open a dead body. I think that could go either way for me. Either I'll become very scientific about it, or very emotional. For my sake, I'm hoping for the former.
The other hurdle next year is the inconceivable workload. Everyone says that Second Year is the big one to get through. I'm very excited to sit my ass down and graft. These holidays are turning out to be far too long, and my brain is turning to mush. I'm ready to be productive again.
Like a proper little nerd, I've started to look at textbooks and such. Don't judge.
In regards to my last post, I am keeping up fairly well with my resolve. I've started to use social networking less and less frequently. I don't often 'chat' on BBM or Whatsapp anymore. It's nice to leave a room and not feel the urge to take my cellphone with me. I've realised that if someone wants to chat to me, they can wait for my reply (when I AM ready) or, if it's desperate, they can phone. It's not meant to sound rude. It's meant to be me taking back my life from those dastardly machines.
What else? I think I might start posting song lyrics on here as I feel like it. I'm not sure yet. If I do, it will be songs that actually mean something to me.
Also, I've realised that I've constantly used this blog to post about the heavy, 'deep' topics. It will become a lot more light-hearted from now. It really might become one of those 'Well-This-Is-What-I-Did-Today' or 'This-Is-What-I-Like'.
And just to start that off... (With NO spoilers for my beloved readers' sake)
TV Shows:
'The Vampire Diaries' Season 4 - A+
'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8 - Are you even kidding me?! I'm so excited!
Albums: (Pretty much by my brother's influence)
Stone Sour - House of Gold & Bones Part 1
Billy Talent - Dead Silence
Mumford & Sons - Babel
All three are incredible new albums that you need to hear. Let me know what you think and if you agree or disagree.
Before I get totally carried away and babble on and on, I bid thee adieu.
Goodnight dear readers!