Ophidiophobia. The fear of snakes. Most definitely.
Acrophobia. The fear of heights. Somewhat.
Omphalophobia. The fear of belly buttons. Not at all. Thank goodness for that!
There are lists upon lists of the random fears that people have. Some are normal. Some… not so much. I know what terrifies me most. Snakes. Spiders. Flying Ants’ Wings (There is no name for that one).
Though, I never thought I’d consider myself Claustrophobic (fearing confined spaces). And I’m not, in the normal sense of the fear. Through me into a small box, sure I’ll want to kick your ass when I’m out, but I won’t lose my mind. I suppose using the term Claustrophobic is an exaggeration, but it’s to get my point across.
Claustrophobic in the sense that I desire, so much, to get out for a while. Just like in the video I mentioned in my last post. To get out and be able to see a full-blown horizon, not the snippets you can see between the houses. Not the open field that you drive past on the way to work or varsity. A full-blown landscape! I’m picturing the bushveld. I’m picturing the mountains. Or the sea. Or even a lake. With FRESH air and no disturbance other than Nature herself.
I guess what I’m saying is that for a while now I’ve felt claustrophobic in the city. I’d love nothing more than a little alone time away from the four walls of my room. Or even having a REAL conversation with a REAL person (no, I have not resorted to talking to imaginary friends JUST yet). So much of our lives are wasted on formalities. I thoroughly miss genuine conversation.
I’ll let you know when this next mission of mine has been accomplished!
Have a fantastic night lovely people.

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