Tuesday, 26 November 2013


2013 has definitely been the year of lessons, knowledge and realisations. While I have been blessed enough to be able to study the thing I am most passionate about – the human body – this is secondary to the lessons I have learned about life.

I have learned to manage time effectively... Not for the sole reason of getting work done, but rather to spend more time doing the little things I enjoy.

I have learned the importance of sleep. While I CAN manage to get through a day on 4 hours sleep regularly, I have realised that it is a sub-existence. It has caused more unhappy moments than it has produced productive hours.

I have learned to look for the positive in all situations. Harsh words, whether intentional or not, can be a catalyst for massive, GOOD change in life.

I have realised the importance of exercise. Not only for health, but for a good, happy attitude.

I have learned that whatever you do, no matter how good, or smart, or passionate you are, YOU WILL FAIL AT SOME POINT.

I have realised that this is okay.

“Fall down seven times, get up eight.”

I have learned that no matter how tough your day is, good friends can make it better.

I have accepted that I do not know everything, and it is okay (read: ADVISABLE) to ask for help. Pride is a man-made trap.

I have learned to work your bum off at the beginning of each year. This eases end-of-year stress.

I have seen (as I always do) that family really is there for you, no matter how much you take your terrible day out on them.

I have learned that something as simple as traffic can change your outlook on life. Avoid it at all costs.

I have managed things that I never thought possible. If it seems impossible, try it anyway. And try again after that. And try until you do manage.

I have seen a glimpse of how fallible we are as humans. I have realised how lucky I am to be alive, healthy and able. I will not waste this blessing.

I have (briefly) seen that I live in a world oblivious to how so many people struggle. I have realised that many of them don’t even count it as a struggle. My view on what a happy life is, is not shared by many.

And most importantly, I have learned to never, under any circumstances, open Youtube while studying... Not even for an educational video.

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