Thursday 27 October 2011


Here is just a short post. Solely because I felt like sharing what’s on my mind.
As I have said before, I reiterate. Music IS my life. It controls my moods and my outlooks – and no, metal music does not make me angry, nor does pop make me happy. A song that I listen to on one day can put me on top of the world, while the next day it can make me so intensely sad. I marvel at this hold that it has on me. In fact, its hold extends to most of humankind. We cannot go a day without hearing music in some form or another, and thank God for that!

I was listening to a new band that my brother introduced me to (1), and it makes me so immensely happy. Their heavy Rock ‘n Roll vibes make me fall in love. I can say that almost literally. It, as clichéd as it may be, makes me believe. In what, I’m not yet sure. But it makes day-to-day living worthwhile. It makes my spirit want to dance (I honestly cringe as I type that, but it is truth!)

I thought back to how many times I’ve said I wish I went to COPA (2). And it’s true. I would LOVE to make music, to let other people feel the same way I do when I listen to a song. Learning and understanding the workings of music would be fantastic, but in a way I believe it could destroy the effect it has on me. Music is somewhat magical. It has energy and vibes that, to me, are comparable to the energy and vibes that humans possess. Learning about it; to make it my job, would be reducing it down to a science. Forgive me if you disagree. This is just a personal opinion on the effect it would have on me. I think it would take away the majesty of it all.

However, music is different for everybody, and I have no doubt that learning the ins-and-outs will just enhance it for others.
And that’s just beautiful.

References or Notes-
(1) Hell Or Highwater.
(2) Campus Of Performing Arts

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